artist: 土屋アンナ (Tsuchiya Anna)
album/single: Change your life
release: 2006.1.25
There are too many people in this town
Everyone has there make up losing
Their real sound, whatever
There's no need to buildup walls
There's no need to hide, who cares?
if they don't like you, right now
It's easier than being loved
But I wanna be loved only by you
* I don't mean to be worried
I don't mean to fall in my misery
Oh I only wanted some time alone
Vanish from the glory of life
** Only want you to wet my dry lips
Only want you to warm this dead body
Oh I need you I'm so crazy
To accept my real weakness
Oh my, It's raining today
And the tears that scattering from
My many angels are getting me
Baby Baby I'm so cold
I hunter you when we fought
But truly my heart was rioted
My big bad mouth got offensive
And made you sad but truly
* repeat
** repeat
We shared some memories
You don't remember me
But I remember you
Say good bye to me now
I know love is blind
I know this is the end
I love you
I swear that is true
* repeat
* repeat