"My Soul"

artist: 加藤ミリヤ (Kato Miliyah)
album/single: Diamond Princess
release: 2007.3.7

mada nattoku ikanai
mujyun darake nowadays
sainou dake jya dou ni mo naranai sicken sicken (uh)
kizuita toki ni wa sekai wa dirty dirty dirty
koko de ima wa katanakya ikenai tatakaou

(Tell me how ya feel This is how I feel) kono te ni shite kita mono douryoku nashi jya nashienai
(all those other women I got the better of the other chicks)
watashi no sonzai kachi watashi jishin ga shoumei

* itsudemo It's alright ooh girl, I'm better It's okay itsuka wakaru shinjitsu
sou sa my soul, my body, my future
tatakau mainichi heitan de wa nai michi yatte miseyou jyanai
sou da my time, my life, my feeling

tanjyun na kotoba de puraido kizutsukerare
sekai ni about me wakarasete ageru U got me, got me (uh)
tada no komusume da to omottara oomachigai
katte na hihyou chuushin wo mite kara shite choudai

(Tell me how ya feel This is how I feel) chakujitsu ni kakujitsu ni chikazuiteru risou ni
(all those other women I got the better of the other chicks)
shinjitsu wa akasareru dare ga mottomo ii no ka

* repeat

yo ladies yeah yo ladies yeah
oh no what's the world comin to
whatever u want
whatever u need
u, u, u got to know

* repeat
* repeat