artist: HYDE
album/single: FAITH
release: 2006.4.26
sou ware wa ningen to yobareru saiaku no warusa
arayuru seimei no shihai tenteki wa doushuzoku
arasoi ni kizamareta rekishi kara
keshite kyoukun wa erarenai karada ga akitarinai
* Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit.
The worst creatures in history.
The ground will find some peace when we're gone. It's sad.
hanketsu hikoku no tsumi wa genzai yori omoi
osoreru kotonakare shikkounin ga fuzai
sono aku naki hakai wa jyouki wo isshi
jigyaku wo kiwamete nao karada ga akitarinai
* repeat
"A verdict has been reached
The court finds the defendant guilty"
Once more, the hunting season
We shoot at will Why does God permit it?
* repeat