"Show Time"
artist: day after tomorrow
album/single: 螢火/Show Time (hotarubi/Show Time)
release: 2004.2.4
1,2,3 kara hajimaru Boys and Girls
mata dokoka de bokura dake no Show Time
boku no kanojo wa kurasu ichiban yume monogatari sa
yo no naka sonna amaku wa nai ne demo akiramenai
* jimichi ni arubaito ano ko e purezento
tokoton tsuku shitara reshii to darake no
boku no saifu...Oh
** 1,2,3 kara hajimaru Boys and Girls
nari furi kamawazu koe kakechau Boy
1,2,3 kara kou gareru Boys and Girls
gaiken niwa kodawaritai kara Girl
1,2,3 kara koisuru Boys and Girls
tachi naori no hayasa wa makenai Boy
1,2,3 kara tobidase Boys and Girls
mata dokoka de bokura dake no Show Time
Wow... anyway, go Wow... anyway, go
anyway, go!
aisaretai no iyasaretai no risou ga takai no
koi ni koishite tori nokosareta demo akiramenai
kotoshi mo tanjoubi tomodachi to iwau wa
rainen wa kanarazu omeate no hito wo
mitsukeru kara...Oh
1,2,3 kara hajimaru Boys and Girls
tabetai dake tabetaira Diet Girl
1,2,3 kara kogareru Boys and Girls
maniyuaru inochi no boku motenai Boy
1,2,3 kara koisuru Boys and Girls
"ii hito" domarija owarasenai Girl
1,2,3 kara tobidase Boys and Girls
mata dokoka de bokura dake no Show Time
Wow... anyway, go Wow... anyway, go
anyway, go!
* repeat
** repeat
Wow... anyway, go
Wow... anyway, go
anyway, go!