"Break out"

artist: 安良城紅 (Arashiro Beni)
album/single: Beni
release: 2005.2.9

* I can't stand the loneliness having 2 deal with it
all of these feelings kept inside me
don't think that I can live another day like this
I gotta put it all behind me
Although I cared 4 u, u never came through
so now I know that I don't need u
It's time 2 break out

this is for all of them boys that don't know how to handle a woman
who gives up everything for them unconditionally endlessly
for everytime that u lied and I cried thinking I needed u in my life
I was caught up in my illusion

(I just can't forgive)
all those days and nights u left me so alone
thinking to myself "where did I go wrong"
now I realize the mistake was when I
let u come and walk up into my life

** I won't take this loneliness ain't gonna deal with it
don't wanna hear u say u love me
I need to get away before I go insane
realise this weight that's held upon me
no matter what u say, it's not gonna phase me
it was nice knowin' u but baby
I got to break out

there's nothing u can do that's gonna change me
what's done is done all u are is a memory
breaking loose from u cuz I refuse to be your prisoner...no

* repeat
** repeat